Friday, February 21, 2020

to be continued

I'm grateful someone is paying attention. Oh, if only we could all say that. We might have something real to hold onto. The problem is sometimes we don't...either say thank you or have someone. Yet, I would like to hope there is a Kind Looker Outer...

My husband died on October 24th last year. It's coming on four months.
I still can't believe it. Still wonder what happened and where he is in my life.
I know he is with me and truly is in the light. We are connected and our souls are twin flames. So, now I move temporarily seemingly solitarily sort of splintered from my anam cara.
My blogpot Jorneyings... Watched over for a while, will continue, as I travel to find my souls journey on earth and what I'm supposed to do without Bear physically manifested here. 
I shall try to describe to follow and to journey both inward and outward: Feel the looker outer and write what it's like.
Journey with me if you like.

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